ミュージカル / I Had A Ball 輸入盤 【CD】

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ご注文時の備考欄はご利用いただけません商品の詳細発売日: 2003年04月30日 ジャンル: サウンドトラック組み枚数: 1発売国: USA曲目リストディスク11.I Had a Ball, musical play~Overture/2.I Had a Ball, musical play~Garside the Great/3.I Had a Ball, musical play~Coney Island, U.S.A./4.I Had a Ball, musical play~The Other Half of Me/5.I Had a Ball, musical play~Addie's at it Again/6.I Had a Ball, musical play~I've Got Everything I Want/7.I Had a Ball, musical play~Dr. Freud/8.I Had a Ball, musical play~Think Beautiful/9.I Had a Ball, musical play~Faith/10.I Had a Ball, musical play~Can it be Possible/11.I Had a Ball, musical play~Neighborhood/12.I Had a Ball, musical play~The Affluent Society/13.I Had a Ball, musical play~I Had a Ball/14.I Had a Ball, musical play~Almost/15.I Had a Ball, musical play~Fickle Finger of Fate/16.I Had a Ball, musical play~You Deserve Me/17.I Had a Ball, musical play~You Deserve Me (Reprise)/18.I Had a Ball, musical play~Fickle Finger of Fate (Reprise)/19.I Had a Ball, musical play~I Had a Ball [Bonus Track]/20.I Had a Ball, musical play~Almost [Bonus Track]/21.I Had a Ball, musical play~Lament [cut prior to the New York opening] [/22.I Had a Ball, musical play~Be a Phony [cut prior to the New York openin
